Getting customers to create an account on your website has a lot of benefits for everybody, but that doesn’t mean newcomers are always willing to provide you with their information. Whether it’s a concern about privacy, a crunch on time, or simply a desire to avoid...
How to handle customers
Build Trust with Free Returns and Free Shipping [New Guide]
No matter what you sell in your online store, you need to be able to stand by your product. One of the best ways to show your commitment to quality is to offer free shipping for items and free returns when something is not to a customer’s liking. This shows the...
How to Take Advantage of Impulse Buyers
When you think of impulse buying, you probably think of snagging a pack of gum or a tabloid while you’re waiting in line in the checkout lane. However, people can also buy impulsively online – if they have a reason to do so. Here, you can learn a little more about how...
How to – Thank You Note for Repeat Customers
To successfully run an ecommerce-based business, you need to think primarily about two different groups of people. The first group is your new customers, or the ones who haven’t yet purchased anything from you. The other one, and arguably the most important, is your...