How to Set Up the WooCommerce Social Login Plugin

How to Set Up the WooCommerce Social Login Plugin

If you want to maximize your conversions, one of the best places to focus your attention is on your checkout process. After all, a lengthy checkout process can increase your bounce rate, decrease your conversions, and hinder your sales. The WooCommerce Social Login Plugin is designed to simplify the checkout process and reduce your bounce rate. Here’s why you need it and how to set it up.

Checking Out as Guest vs. Creating an Account

When people buy from your shop, they will usually have two options. They can check out as a guest to make a one-time purchase, or they can create an account that will be stored for future use and easier purchases later down the line. Though checking out as a guest is the simpler option by far, it’s frustrating if customers want to buy from you again.

They have to reenter their information, credit card numbers, and more, and this can make repeat business less likely. Along those same lines, many customers don’t want to go to all the trouble of creating an account just to buy from you once, either. What can you do to help bridge that gap and provide a happy medium? That’s where WooCommerce Social Login comes into play.

What the WooCommerce Social Login Plugin Does

Have you ever visited a website or online shop that asked if you’d like to “connect with Facebook”? If you have, then you know how easy it is to use your existing accounts to create accounts with multiple sellers or all your sites. It truly takes the hassle out of trying to create accounts. Unfortunately, if you’re using WooCommerce and you haven’t installed this plugin, your customers don’t yet have that ability.

The WooCommerce Social Login plugin allows your customers to connect to your shop through many different types of accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Google, Disqus, Yahoo, VK, PayPal, Amazon, and even LinkedIn. It simplifies the checkout process, reduces friction, and makes repeat purchases far more likely. Some people who introduce social sign-in see a 10% increase in conversion rates right away.

How it Works

Once you have installed and activated the WooCommerce Social Login Plugin, it’s easy enough for your visitors to figure out how to log in. Once they arrive at your store, either before or after they’ve filled their carts, they will see all the social networks you enable through the extension. All they have to do is choose one of their choice, enter the credentials for that particular social network, and wait as the two networks are automatically linked.

If you use Product Reviews Pro, you can use the WooCommerce Social Login Plugin for this, as well. When people leave reviews, they can sign in using one of the active networks and simplify the process even further. Social Registration reports show you how many linked accounts exist for each social network, and you can even see a list of all the social profiles that are linked to your shop.

How to Set it Up

If you’re ready to make your customers’ lives easier by giving them the ability to log into their shop accounts through one of their existing social accounts with the WooCommerce Social Login plugin, it’s easy enough to get started.

Buy the WooCommerce Social Login Extension. It costs $79 for one site, $129 for up to five sites, and $179 for up to 25 sites.

Download, install, and activate it in your WooCommerce store. This is simple enough to do. You can download direct from, install it to your WooCommerce account, and if you’re signed in, you’ll then see the activation button once you open your store.

Read the documentation. There’s easy-to-read documentation that shows how to connect your WooCommerce store with all the various social networks your customers might use.

Enable the networks you want. Go into settings, then find the networks you want enabled for your social login extension. You can enable as few or as many as you would like, but remember the biggest ones are Facebook, Google+ and Amazon.

Watch your conversion rate soar. When people find out they can create an account for your site just by connecting to their social media accounts, they will no longer feel apprehensive during the checkout process, and they are far more likely to buy from you.

Simplifying your checkout process will undoubtedly enhance your conversion rates. Better still, it’ll boost your customers’ opinions of you and encourage them to come back in the future. What’s more, because they don’t have to provide a brand new username and password combo, it’s actually safer for them to utilize existing networks to sign in.