WooCommerce | Learn Who Your Demographic Is and How to Target Them

Who is your typical WooCommerce customer? The answer to this question can determine many different things. It can decide what sort of products you sell, which brands receive the biggest discounts, and even what social media networks you use most often. You can learn about your target demographic through the careful monitoring of your analytics. Once you have identified who you are selling to, you have many more ways to connect with them personally and form a relationship.

Think about Your Products

To determine who your demographic is, you first need to analyze the products you offer and determine who they benefit. What needs do you fulfill? To what age range do your brands advertise? Given that most visitors to your store likely consider your product a luxury purchase, how often are they spending money and how much income do they consider disposable? Certain industries make it very easy to identify target demographics based on their products. For example, if you sell fashionable women’s clothing in your WooCommerce store, you already know the gender and approximate age range of the customers you are targeting. Even if your industry doesn’t make it as obvious, you can still analyze the needs your products fill and determine who is most likely to go looking for those items.

Find Out where Your Customers Are

Use the analytic tools available to you to figure out where in the world your customers are physically. This gives you two valuable pieces of information. First, it helps you to determine the most pressing issue that your customers face. If most of your visitors come from the American southwest, for example, warm winter coats are probably not something you need to stock up on. Knowing where your customers live can also help you determine the best WooCommerce SEO route to take with reaching out to them. This becomes especially true if a large portion of your base lives in the same region. If that is the case, it makes regional advertising very easy and allows you to speak specifically to issues that people in that area face.

Allow Readers to Customize their Profiles

By providing the ability to customize profiles with optional information that showcases their personalities, you can gain a greater understanding of your readers and WooCommerce customers as a whole. After a reader creates an account, allow them to customize their customer profile as they wish. Include the option to upload an avatar, create a bio, and provide a list of interests. This gets your readers engaged in your site and makes them more likely to return. It also provides you with a broader understanding of who they are. Some information, like age and gender, can be broken out statistically. Other data, like general interests, can be used to help fill in context about your potential customer base.

Target Specific Areas of Need

Once you identify your demographic, then it’s time to target them with your marketing. The best way to do this is to consider what the specific needs of that demographic are. For example, men and women in their late 20s or early 30s likely have children or are considering starting a family. Solutions that make their lives as potential parents easier are likely to garner a lot of interest from them. Additionally, people in that demographic probably want household items which are child safe. If you sell products in your WooCommerce shop that use safety or non-toxic ingredients as a selling point, highlighting those aspects in your marketing will likely create more conversions from that target audience.

Tailor Content to Your Target Demographic

Once you know who you are targeting, you can cater your content to that demographic. It’s important to note, however, that this doesn’t require you to ignore other markets. You can create content that caters to one audience without excluding others. The goal in demographic targeting should be to focus not on what makes the demographics different than others but to provide useful content that is relevant to where their interests lie. Identify what interests your audience has, even if it means looking through social networks to determine what gets their attention. From there, you can cater a portion of your blogs and newsletters to those interests, drawing in the audience and introducing them to your many useful products and services.

Knowing your demographic takes some research, but that knowledge is absolutely invaluable for your WooCommerce store. Once you know who your most likely customers are, you can expand your base by catering specifically to that audience. Doing so opens up a great deal of new traffic and increases your conversion rate at the same time.