What Is WooCommerce Storefront?

Whether you’re new to WooCommerce or you’re just ready for a change, settling on a theme can be difficult. After all, there are tens of thousands from which to choose. WooCommerce Storefront is by far one of the most widely-used of all the themes on the market today, namely because it was created by the developers of WooCommerce itself. Here, you will learn more about Storefront and why it remains one of the best options of them all. (Check also out the DIVI theme.)

Perfect Integration

Many of the WooCommerce themes you’ll find out there today are designed by third parties. WooCommerce is open-source, which means developers can access the code and create themes or extensions designed to fit. Because WooCommerce storefront was developed by the very same team who developed WooCommerce as a whole, you can rest assured that the integration will be seamless and that problems between your theme and the WooCommerce plugin will be a thing of the past.

Better Theme for Better Performance

One of your biggest goals is to create a shop that is perfectly responsive regardless of how you choose to customize it, and that’s exactly what WooCommerce Storefront does. It is incredibly flexible and allows you to enhance your search engine optimization via nestable grids and schema markups. By simply following along and building your site with Storefront, you can be certain that your visitors will enjoy a seamless experience on computers, tablets, and phones alike. And better performance converts better.

Easy to Set Up

Shortcodes are riddled with problems for people who aren’t accustomed to coding, but WooCommerce Storefront solves this by providing only what you need to make your store a success. You won’t come across any shortcodes here – only what’s important to you. Sliders are also a thing of the past, but the Storefront theme was designed to integrate easily with free extensions like WooSlider. Finally, for those who don’t need page builders to make their shops come to life, Storefront is the best choice once again. It’s compatible with many different page builders, but it does not include one.

Perfect Display Options

Have you tried other themes that seem difficult to tweak? Does it seem to take ages before you can even preview what you’ve done? WooCommerce Storefront aims to change this by giving you only the display options you need to get things going. You can make changes to your shop’s design in just a few clicks, then preview those changes in real time. If this does not give you enough control over the way your shop displays, you can get the Storefront Designer extension, which offers more advanced options.

Design a Custom Homepage with Ease

Your homepage needs to grab visitors’ attention and hold it long enough for them to buy. WooCommerce Storefront includes a homepage template that displays the things people want to see. It includes products you’ve chosen to feature or those that are on sale, the various product categories you offer, and the most recent products you added to your store. With this, visitors can see what your shop is really about, and a simple, clean design will help you enhance your conversion rates.

Extensions to Make WooCommerce Storefront Even Better

The best part about WooCommerce Storefront (aside from its simplicity) is the fact that it’s free to use. There are numerous extensions, both free and paid, that you can use to make your Storefront experience an even better one. Some of the best and most popular include:

Storefront Powerpack – This paid extension gives you even more customization options and allows you to further tweak the way your store looks without any coding whatsoever.

Storefront Mega Menus – If you prefer dropdown menus to keep your site’s image clean, this is the extension for you. It allows you to create your very own menus that work perfectly with your shop.

Storefront Reviews – Want to give your visitors a place to review their experiences with your shop, products, or services? The Storefront Reviews extension allows you to put your favorite reviews anywhere you’d like – on your home page, on the About page, or scattered across your entire site.

Storefront Pricing Tables – Comparison shopping is vitally important to today’s consumers, and with this extension, you can make it easy for them. It allows your visitors to compare features from product to product, then add the one they like best to their cart – all without having to click multiple times.

WooCommerce Storefront is an amazingly simple theme developed by the designers of WooCommerce itself. It gives you everything you need to get started so as not to overwhelm you, but it also gives you the freedom to install extensions that expand your control and customization.