WooCommerce Multistore changelog

== Changelog ==
= Release 5.4.0 =
Released: 2024-02-10
* Bugfix: Fixed hierarhical sync for custom taxonomies
* Bugfix: Fixed error during import order when woocommerce analytics feature was disabled
* Improvement: Stock sync setting for products created by REST API based on “Always maintain stock synchronization for re-published products”

= Release 5.3.9 =
Released: 2024-12-09
* Bugfix: Fixed incorect terms sync when using wpml( product categories, product tags )
* Bugfix: Fixed duplication of products during stock sync while chid product doesn’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed cloning products during import order when product doesn’t exist on child store
* Improvement: Added settings to disable cloning of products during order import( disabled by default )

= Release 5.3.8 =
Released: 2024-11-06
* Bugfix: Fixed php warnings while cloning products during import order
* Bugfix: Fixed product language when using quick edit and wpml
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed error when saving settings while main multisite blog is not multistore main store
* Feature: Added settings for global unique id, woocommerce version 9.2.0 and up
* Feature: Added filter that allows real user data to be imported during import order: wc_multistore_import_order_customer_real_data
* Improvement: Added action after import order save: wc_multistore_after_import_order_save
* Improvement: Added action after import order master hook: wc_multistore_after_import_order_hook_master

= Release 5.3.7 =
Released: 2024-10-02
* Bugfix: Fixed wpml attributes sync when using bulk edit on all languages page
* Bugfix: Fixed rest api response for variation image when global images enabled
* Feature: Added settings for attribute slug. For single site setup, plugin needs to be updated to version 5.3.7 on all connected sites
* Improvement: Improved bulk sync performance
* Improvement: Changed Sequential order number of the imported order to be the same as the original order
* Improvement: Added support for global image variations for woocommerce versions 9.3.0+

= Release 5.3.6 =
Released: 2024-07-31
* Bugfix: Fixed settings page url on plugins page
* Bugfix: Fixed logic if order or order items do not exist durinc stock sync
* Bugfix: Fixed display issue on bulk sync page if the terms do not exist
* Improvement: Changed coupon data during order import to the new short info instead of coupon_data
* Improvement: Improved bulk sync performance
* Improvement: Added support for stock sync when Divi Shop Builder is installed

= Release 5.3.5 =
Released: 2024-06-18
* Improvement: Improved bulk sync functionality to avoid timeouts
* Improvement: Merged bulk update into bulk sync( Use product settings )
* Improvement: Changed custom meta data saving functionality to avoid max_input_vars
* Improvement: Changed settings saving functionality to avoid max_input_vars

= Release 5.3.4 =

Released: 2024-05-13
* Improvement: Changed order import functionality from instant to scheduled to avoid duplicate orders/order items
* Improvement: Removed terms cloning for cloned products during order import when products are synced already

= Release 5.3.3 =
Released: 2024-05-06
* Bugfix: Fixed major issue introduced in 5.3.0 that causes products to desync when stock is synced. All child stores with a version 5.3.0+ need updated.

= Release 5.3.2 =
Released: 2024-05-03
* Bugfix: Fixed downloads folder sync. Bug introduced in version 5.3.0
* Bugfix: Fixed network orders page search results

= Release 5.3.1 =
Released: 2024-04-26
* Bugfix: Fixed variation sync. Bug introduced in version 5.3.0

= Release 5.3.0 =
Released: 2024-04-25
* Improvement: Added settings for publish/update
* Improvement: Added settings for image alt
* Improvement: Added settings for default product status when product status is disabled on publish
* Improvement: Added side meta box for product edit page that displays the url of the parent or child products
* Improvement: Added filter for imported order data wc_multistore_imported_order_data
* Improvement: Added filter before original order is saved wc_multistore_before_master_order_save
* Bugfix: Fixed variation attributes sync when attribute term slug setting is disabled

= Release 5.2.9 =
Released: 2024-03-27
* Improvement: Added order origin meta box on order edit page for imported orders
* Improvement: Added Multistore admin menu bar for easier access
* Bugfix: Fixed customers not importing to main store correctly if they are part of multiple network stores
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when HPOS is enabled and order changed status

= Release 5.2.8 =
Released: 2024-03-11
* Bugfix: Fixed zero value meta data not syncing
* Bugfix: Fixed variations not syncing if “child product inherit parent changes” is not active
* Bugfix: Fixed php notice for global images when thumbnail is missing
* Bugfix: Fixed styling on settings page for right to left languages
* Bugfix: Fixed order meta data not syncing correctly because of slashes
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed superadmin user not having access to plugin functionality when no role was assigned
* Improvement: Improved license check performance of plugins page
* Improvement: Added error log for failed requests
* Improvement: Added filters for network orders page columns: wc_multistore_network_orders_table_thead, wc_multistore_network_orders_table_tfoot, wc_multistore_network_orders_table_tbody
* Improvement: Added filter for variations description: wc_multistore_sync_variation_description

= Release 5.2.7 =
Released: 2024-02-08
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when removing products from orders
* Bugfix: Fixed correct uploads folder for downloadable products ( woocommerce_uploads )
* Bugfix: Fixed orders not importing if users leave before reaching thank you page
* Bugfix: Fixed export order not working when HPOS is enabled

= Release 5.2.6 =
Released: 2024-01-24
* Bugfix: Fixed child products not deleting when background sync is enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed possible fatal error when function deactivate_plugins doesn’t exist

= Release 5.2.5 =
Released: 2024-01-08
* Improvement: Delete child site product settings from main product when child product is deleted
* Improvement: Added filters for variation images and total sales: WOO_MSTORE_SYNC/sync_child/sync_variation_image, WOO_MSTORE_SYNC/sync_child/sync_meta_total_sales
* Improvement: Added ability to select products by attributes on bulk sync, bulk update pages
* Bugfix: Fixed import order column not visible on orders page when HPOS is enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error when dependencies are missing

= Release 5.2.4 =
Released: 2023-11-06
* Bugfix: Fixed site specific import order settings
* Bugfix: Fixed product cloning when importing order and using sync by sku
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed site name and url not reflecting changes
* Improvement: Added filter for original order data: wc_multistore_original_order_data
* Improvement: Added filter for that allows disabling meta keys from being imported with orders: wc_multistore_import_order_meta_key

= Release 5.2.3 =
Released: 2023-10-26
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed fatal error on bulk sync/update pages because of switch_to_blog
* Bugfix: Fixed coupons sync adding limited products ids to the excluded product ids
* Improvement: Added filter for order_export args: wc_multistore_export_orders_args
* Improvement: Added filter to disable cloned products data sync: wc_multistore_update_cloned_product_data

= Release 5.2.2 =
Released: 2023-10-18
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error when updating orders for child stores that don’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error for grouped products that don’t actually exist
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal on checkout when product doesn’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed main store not sending customer order note email when import order is enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed sku not being detected when it contains single quote
* Bugfix: Fixed orders not importing when using wpml folder urls
* Bugfix: Fixed attributes hide/show toggle on settings page

= Release 5.2.1 =
Released: 2023-10-03
* Bugfix: Fixed php warning for gallery images that have id but the attachment is missing
* Bugfix: Fixed sequential order number not being available to third parties
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error when order note is deleted and the original site of the order note doesn’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed bulk sync continue button
* Improvement: Removed variations meta keys from custom meta page
* Feature: Added Bulk update page

= Release 5.2.0 =
Released: 2023-09-29
* Bugfix: Fixed tags translations for wpml
* Bugfix: Fixed bulk edit not enabling stock sync when allways maintain stock sync setting is enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed php warnings when attachment doesn’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed variations being synced with no sku when sync by sku is enabled ( error message included )

= Release 5.1.9 =
Released: 2023-09-25
* Bugfix: Fixed terms being assigned wrong language with wpml because of get_term filter

= Release 5.1.8 =
Released: 2023-09-25
* Improvement: Removed hook to delete variation data from master when child variation is deleted
* Improvement: When product status is disabled, new child products will be set as drafts
* Bugfix: Fixed variation check for duplicate sku with wpml
* Bugfix: Fixed product categories translations with wpml addon

= Release 5.1.7 =
Released: 2023-09-19
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when order changes status

= Release 5.1.6 =
Released: 2023-09-18
* Improvement: Added filters for orders export data: https://woomultistore.com/plugin-api-filters-actions/

= Release 5.1.5 =
Released: 2023-09-14
* Bugfix: Added workaround fix for product gallery related to woocommerce issue : https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues/39332
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed variation images when global images is enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed network orders sorting

= Release 5.1.4 =
Released: 2023-09-08
* Bugfix: Fixed product tax status sync
* Bugfix: Fixed slow query on network orders page after HPOS integration
* Bugfix: Fixed woonet/v1/orders rest api route after HPOS integration

= Release 5.1.3 =
Released: 2023-09-07
* Bugfix: Fixed virtual product download not syncing correctly
* Bugfix: Fixed child product syncing stock when stock sync is disabled
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed order export page not being visible when main store is not first blog
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed network orders page not being visible when main store is not first blog
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed fatal error when there are no active plugins
* Bugfix: Fixed master product hooks triggering for products that are not child products nor master products
* Bugfix: Fixed order export order number column
* Improvement: Added support for HPOS for network orders page
* Improvement: Added support for HPOS for order export page
* Improvement: Added url for imported order in originating order column for network orders page and orders page
* Improvement: Disabled refund button on network orders page for imported orders
* Improvement: Removed multistore metadata when product is duplicated
* Improvement: Terms are now synced by slug instead of name – could cause issues with attributes otherwise

= Release 5.1.2 =
Released: 2023-08-30
* Bugfix: Fixed reviews being added to product before the product has an ID assigned ( could cause errors for third parties )
* Bugfix: Fixed custom meta data adding empty array values in database
* Bugfix: Enabled network orders page for woocommerce 8.0.2
* Bugfix: Fixed html being erased from product category description
* Improvement: Removed default woocommerce meta fields related to attributes from custom meta page so users don’t select them and cause attributes not to sync
* Feature: Added settings for attribute term name, slug and description ( enabled by default )

= Release 5.1.1 =
Released: 2023-08-10
* Bugfix: Fixed sync of sale date to and sale date end
* Bugfix: Fixed sync by sku disabling itself when settings are saved
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed orders export not including child site orders when row per product is selected

= Release 5.1.0 =
Released: 2023-08-09
* Improvement: Added compatibility with HPOS ( network orders page is disabled if HPOS is enabled and custom order tables are active until fix )
* Bugfix: Fixed emails for customer order notes being sent twice when import order is active and order note is added for imported order

= Release 5.0.9 =
Released: 2023-08-04
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed global image data causing fatal error by running out of memory ( single child sites need to run Data Update )
* Bugfix: Fixed attributes no syncing archive field

= Release 5.0.8 =
Released: 2023-07-28
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed sequential order numbers not taking the correct values

= Release 5.0.7 =
Released: 2023-07-27
* Bugfix: Fixed cross sells and upsells sync when sync by sku is enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed paid date for imported order
* Bugfix: Fixed _variation_id not being added for imported orders

= Release 5.0.6 =
Released: 2023-07-26
* Improvement: Added new settings for categories
* Improvement: (Single Site) Improved sites page load times
* Bugfix: Fixed notices for tax items when importing order
* Bugfix: Fixed attribute type not syncing correctly
* Bugfix: Fixed variable product not syncing stock from checkout
* Bugfix: Fixed variations not syncing

= Release 5.0.5 =
Released: 2023-07-22
* Bugfix: Fixed bulk sync child sites select
* Improvement: Select all from custom taxonomy page toggles the fields

= Release 5.0.4 =
Released: 2023-07-20
* Bugfix: Fixed duplicate orders when importing orders with shipping items

= Release 5.0.3 =
Released: 2023-07-20
* Bugfix: Fixed variations sync when product has upsells and cross sells
* Bugfix: Fixed not being able to delete cross sells and upsells on woocommerce 7.9.0

= Release 5.0.2 =
Released: 2023-07-18
* Bugfix: Fixed custom meta keys not displaying for variations on set custom meta page
* Bugfix: Fixed bulk sync stopping when no data is returned
* Bugfix: Fixed curl timeout – increased timeout to 60
* Bugfix: Fixed ajax sync stopping when no data is returned

= Release 5.0.1 =
Released: 2023-07-16
* Bugfix: Fixed variations not synching when sync by sku is enabled
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed plugin deactivating when woocommerce was not network enabled

= Release 5.0.0 =
Released: 2023-07-13

Version 5.0.0 is a major release with significant changes. It is required that you make database backup before you run the Data Update for our plugin

* Restructure: Restructured files and code for better scalability
* Restructure: Filters from previous versions are deprecated. Please see the new filters on our filters page: https://woomultistore.com/plugin-api-filters-actions/
* Restructure: (Multi Site) Multisite version no longer supports multiple master stores and now has one master store that is chosen during setup. ( Products cannot be published from any store to any store, they can only be published from master store )
* Improvement: (Multi Site) Fixed performance on checkout page for stock sync and order import.
* Improvement: (Multi Site) Fixed performance on all products page/single product page.
* Improvement: (Multi Site) Fixed performance being affected when large number of products are synced.
* Improvement: Added better UI when products sync on admin screen
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed wrong email language for import order when order is modified by master store.
* Compatibility: (Multi Site) Fixed compatibility WP Offload Media.
* Feature: (Single Site) Added functionality to change child store domain and main store domain under setup wizard / sites settings
* Feature: Upsells and Cross-sells no longer need to be synced separate
* Feature: Downloads are synced to child stores now
* Feature: Added new UI for custom meta data. Users can select the meta fields instead of manually add meta name
* Feature: Improved settings page and UI
* Feature: Added better UI for products link

= Release 4.7.9 =
Released: 2023-01-26
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed fatal error when meta data is not an object
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed categories and tags error when values are empty
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Partially Fixed background sync not saving inherit and stock sync
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed object cache compatibility
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed wrong term do_action that caused error with wpml addon
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed iframe not allowed in child product_description
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed import order reducing stock when order status is pending payment
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed stock sync from master to child sites when product doesn’t have image
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed bulk sync error for draft products on PHP 8.0
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed deprecated PHP 8.0 warnings on Network Orders page
* Bugfix: Fixed integration with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips on network orders page
* Feature: Added support for multiple order statuses when exporting orders

= Release 4.7.8 =
Released: 2022-12-15
* Improvement: (Multi Site) Display current product and next product id when using bulk sync
* Bugfix: Removed cloned products by import order when using bulk sync
* Bugfix: Fixed remaining products count when using bulk sync

= Release 4.7.7 =
Released: 2022-12-13
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed stock sync for multiple order items when order import is disabled
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed stock sync when user had no permissions

= Release 4.7.6 =
Released: 2022-12-07
* Improvement: Cloned products will now be visible in dashboard as private products
* Bugfix: Fixed product category image sync not disabling when option was set to no
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed php warnings when license status is checked
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Removed debug code on taxonomy settings page
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed product reviews count, rating and average rating when the option is set to no

= Release 4.7.5 =
Released: 2022-11-23
* Bugfix: Fixed Import order not importing customer data
* Bugfix: Fixed License not countable response
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed stock sync at checkout when order import is disabled
* Bugfix: (Multi Site) Fixed child products not displaying correct info on product edit page

= Release 4.7.4 =
Released: 2022-11-08
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed attributes sync
* Bugfix: Fixed undefined variable woocommerce_admin on network orders page

= Release 4.7.3 =
Released: 2022-11-04
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed fatal error when duplicating product
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed fatal error when saving product category
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed localhost requiring licence
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed integration with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error for imported order coupons
* Feature: (Single Site) Localhost doesn’t require licence

= Release 4.7.2 =
Released: 2022-11-01
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed bug that caused duplicate orders when importing orders

= Release 4.7.1 =
Released: 2022-10-26
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed webhooks not triggering for imported order
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed webhooks not triggering for imported order
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed order status for order export
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed variation stock sync when request was made by REST API
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed variation shipping class sync
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed fatal error when variation data sync is disabled and downloads field is empty
* Improvement: Imported order displays original order number instead of original order id
* Feature: Added new option for menu_order
* Feature: Attributes now sync has_archive field
* Feature: Customer order note is synced back to original order for imported orders

= Release 4.7.0 =
Released: 2022-09-09
* Improvement: (Single Site) Improved checkout load times when importing order
* Improvement: (Single Site) Improved checkout load times when syncing stock
* Improvement: Display licence activation errors

= Release 4.6.9 =
Released: 2022-08-17
* IMPORTANT: Before updating, please update all Woomultistore addons to the latest version ( https://woomultistore.com/addons/ )
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed imported user blog assignment when import order is on
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed network orders warnings when there was no child site connected
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed order export warning when there was no child site connected

= Release 4.6.8 =
Released: 2022-07-19
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed Global Image javascript file inclusion
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed bulk edit not working when “use product settings” was selected
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed bulk edit javascript error
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed already defined constants warning
* Bugfix: Fixed bulk edit taking input values from quick editor
* Bugfix: Fixed sequential order number when import order was enabled

= Release 4.6.7 =
Released: 2022-07-01
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed Import Order duplicating order when imported order changed status
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed sale price sync when scheduled
* Refactor: Refactored File names and plugin structure

= Release 4.6.6 =
Released: 2022-06-14
* Bugfix: Fixed fatal error caused by wrong included global image files
* Security: Improved file security

= Release 4.6.5 =
Released: 2022-06-13
* Refactor: Refactored Order Export functionality
* Bugfix: Fixed Order Export order tax items using wrong values
* Bugfix: Fixed Order Export order coupon items using wrong values
* Bugfix: Fixed Order Export order shipping items using wrong values
* Bugfix: Fixed Global Image responsive images not working with PHP 8+
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed duplicate documentation and settings links on plugins page

= Release 4.6.4 =
Released: 2022-06-01
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed upsells and cross sells syncing when option was disabled
* Bugfix: Fixed Default Form Values ( default attributes ) not saving default value
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed bulk sync not working when background sync was enabled
* Bugfix: Fixed Global Image not working with PHP version 7.4 +

= Release 4.6.3 =
Released: 2022-05-25
* Feature: Added Global Image option

= Release 4.6.2 =
Released: 2022-05-11
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed import order removing parent product attributes

= Release 4.6.1 =
Released: 2022-05-07
* Bugfix: Fixed import order not importing customer name
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings on front-end when import order and debug was on
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings when shipping class didn’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings when term parent didn’t exist
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed PHP warnings when shipping class didn’t exist
* Bugfix: Fixed attributes syncing the slug instead of the name
* Feature: Added filter to disable customer import for imported order wc_multistore_import_order_customer
* Feature: Added option to disable attribute name from sync

= Release 4.6.0 =
Released: 2022-04-05
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed fatal error when searching woocommerce orders on child sites
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed fatal error when using WP All Import plugin

= Release 4.5.9 =
Released: 2022-03-31
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when order status changed by bulk edit
* Bugfix: Fixed fee items not displaying the refunded label for imported order when original order was refunded
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed attribute type not syncing
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed attributes not syncing
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed Sync coupons option not saving on child sites
* Bugfix: Fixed Coupon usage count not syncing
* Feature: Added individual import order settings for each site.

= Release 4.5.8 =
Released: 2022-03-15
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed str_contains fatal error for PHP 7
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed “Show customers orders from all stores in My Account” causing fatal error

= Release 4.5.7 =
Released: 2022-03-10
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed disable stock sync not working
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed products not syncing with REST API
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed shipping class not being removed when empty

= Release 4.5.6 =
Released: 2022-02-16
* Bugfix: Fixed serialized multidimensional array custom meta fields
* Bugfix: Fixed custom meta fields with multiple values for the same key
* Bugfix: Fixed export order row per product
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed custom slug not syncing on publish ( first sync )
* Bugfix: Fixed variable products attributes not deleting when attributes were empty

= Release 4.5.5 =
Released: 2022-02-04
* Feature: Added Order Number and meta data to order export.
* Feature: Added order item meta to Imported order.
* Feature: Added order meta to sync back from Imported order to Original order on order update.
* Feature: Added filter for plugin publish capability. See our filters list page
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed a bug that caused the license to be impossible to deactivate

= Release 4.5.4 =
Released: 2022-01-26
* Feature: Added price options for variations.
* Feature: Removed single site master tab (not needed).

= Release 4.5.3 =
Released: 2022-01-20
* Bugfix: Fixed valid response_code for license validity check.

= Release 4.5.2 =
Released: 2022-01-17
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when order status changed to cancelled.
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when order status changed from cancelled to processing.

= Release 4.5.1 =
Released: 2022-01-12
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed stock sync when import order was on.
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed stock sync when order item changed quantity manually.
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed a bug that could cause checkout to fail when import order was on.
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed stock sync when order item changed quantity manually.
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed height, width, length, weight warnings.

= Release 4.5.0 =
Released: 2021-12-24
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync on order created or refunded.
* Bugfix: Fixed sku sync turning off stock sync settings.
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync on manual edit from child sites.
* Bugfix: Fixed network orders page not displaying the right order status class.
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings for weight, length and height.
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings inherit by default.
* Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings when $wpdb->update was used.
* Feature: Imported order now displays the original order ID.
* Feature: Imported order can now be searched by original order ID.
* Feature: Added option for variations status.
* Feature: Added options to sync only variations stock (includes separate option for variation data).
* Feature: Added option for product category meta data.
* Feature: Integrated bulk sync into main plugin (it is advised to remove the addon first).

= Release 4.4.9 =
Released: 2021-12-06
* Feature: (Multisite) Added support for Woocommerce REST API versions 2 and 3
* Feature: (Single Site) Added support for Woocommerce REST API versions 2 and 3
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed filter for cloned products that was removing the current meta query on all product page( dashboard )
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed filter for cloned products that was removing the current meta query on all product page( dashboard )

= Release 4.4.8 =
Released: 2021-10-04
* Feature: Added support for PHP 8.0
* Feature: Show warning if export order items selected without any order item
* Bugfix: Fixed order export to auto select order items if any order item was selected
* Bugfix: Fixed Chinese text not showing on export order of children (only showing escaped characters)
* Bugfix: Fixed export order date of child websites

= Release 4.4.7 =
Released: 2021-09-14
* Bugfix: Fixed order duplication when woocommerce_create_order hook was use by third parties
* Bugfix: Fixed order import not importing custom taxes with same name properly
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed Publish to setting not working correctly
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed meta data not saving serialized arrays
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed image meta not being sent to child sites
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed import_key warning

= Release 4.4.6 =
Released: 2021-09-01
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed custom taxonomy terms not updating parent term and not assigning new terms when using wp all import scheduler
* Bugfix: Fixed order import not importing custom fees and coupons when order was updated through dashboard

= Release 4.4.5 =
Released: 2021-08-24
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed variations not updating sale price, weight, height, length when value was empty
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed simple product, variable product not updating weight, height, length when value was empty
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed external product not updating product url, button text when value was empty
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed memory usage on network orders page
* Feature: (Multisite) Added filter to remove bulk editor

= Release 4.4.4 =
Released: 2021-08-13
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed duplicate sku error. Will log the sku and id instead
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed pagination for network orders page
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Added support for wpml variations
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed network products search results when searching by sku
* Bugfix: Fixed Import order duplicate sku. Will log the sku and id instead

= Release 4.4.3 =
Released: 2021-06-17
* Bugfix: Fixed network orders page displaying wrong post types
* Bugfix: Fixed shipping, taxes, and fees when refund was done through network orders page
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed refund not restocking when it was done through network orders page
* Bugfix: Fixed order status sync when import order is active and refund was done through network orders page.

= Release 4.4.2 =
Released: 2021-06-14
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync for single site
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync when order import is active
* Bugfix: Fixed coupon duplication when coupon sync and order import is active

= Release 4.4.1 =
Released: 2021-06-11
* Feature: Added support for custom order status
* Feature: Imported order’s status will sync automatically to original order
* Feature: Refund order from the network order interface

= Release 4.4.0 =
Released: 2021-05-27
* Bugfix: Fixed stock sync single site variations
* Feature: Show a message when there are no taxonomy defined
* Feature: On the child site page, show when a site is not being able to connect with the master
* Feature: Order import option ( allows orders to be imported to a main site )

= Release 4.3.3 =
Released: 2021-04-29
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed not being able to disable stock sync

= Release 4.3.2 =
Released: 2021-04-26
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Variable product with sku causing fatal error on update/publish

= Release 4.3.1 =
Released: 2021-04-21
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Sync by sku setting not saving correctly

= Release 4.3.0 =
Released: 2021-04-19
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Use product settings option unmarking synced products
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Sub-category with the same name not being synchronized
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Export function not exporting all products
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Export function not exporting metadata
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Price not syncing when empty
* Feature: Sync by SKU
* Feature: Synchronize new products with all child sites by default

= Release 4.2.0 =
Released: 2021-03-23
* Feature: (Single Site) Filter to schedule delete
* Feature: (Single Site) Option to enable/disable allow backorder sync
* Feature: (Multisite) Options to enable/disable featured status sync
* Feature: Option to run sync in the background (via Action Scheduler)
* Feature: Option to enable/disable AJAX sync
* Feature: Options to reset all data
* Feature: Support added for PPOM Pro plugin
* Feature: Support added for Polylang
* Feature: Support added for Innozilla Per Product Shipping WooCommerce (Pro)
* Feature: Filter added to disable 3rd party integration
* Feature: (Single Site) Filter added to enable/disable synchronization of default variation
* Feature: Options to enable/disable catalogue visibility
* Feature: Added filter WOO_MSTORE_SYNC/sync_child/sync_attachment_meta_data to enable/disable synchronization of image metadata
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Sync fails for SKUs with leading zero
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Setup Wizard throwing fatal error when the error message received is not a WP error object
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Metadata for external product type not being synced
* Bugfix: Auto-suggest addon shows warning to non-admin
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fatal error on network orders page when order is refunded when using sequential order option
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Fixed bulk sync and quick sync bug in the network admin panel
* Bugfix: Products not being synced when updated by non-admin users
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Network products and Network orders menu not visible in WooCommerce 5.1.0

= Release 4.1.5 =
Released: 2020-11-02
* Feature: Basic support for Elementor and Elementor Pro
* Feature: Automatically suggest to install or update addons
* Feature: (Multisite) Sync custom taxonony and custom metadata
* Feature: (Multisite) Options added to allow users to enable/disable the synchronization of shipping class
* Feature: (Single Site) Separate options to enable/disable the synchronization of sale price and regular price
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Stock sync for guest orders
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Show shipping method on the network order page
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Product stock expiration not working for child products
* Bugfix: (Multisite) Shipping class not being synced for variations
* Support: Support added for Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce
* Support: Support added for WPC Countdown Timer
* Developer: (Single Site) Added filter to individually control price sync
* Developer: (Single Site) Added filter to enable/disable variation image sync
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to control synchronization of every metadata and product attributes
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter & options to enable/disable stock sync for a particular site
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to enable/disable image data sync
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to enable/disable stock status
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to enable/disable stock quantity
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to enable/disable backorders
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to enable/disable low stock status
* Developer: (Multisite) Filter to enable/disable legacy get_slave_product_id

= Release 4.1.4 =
Released: 2020-09-11
* Change: (Single Site) Synced product will inherit created date and updated date from the parent
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Network interface not showing orders from the main site
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Various minor bugfixes and performance improvements

= Release 4.1.3 =
Released: 2020-09-07
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Number of reviews being copied over when review sync is disabled
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Random product syncing to stores that are not selected
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Do not fire sync for products created on the child sites
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Prevent sync loops
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Various fixes and performance improvements
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter added to show only orders with synced products
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter added to only export orders for synced products

= Release 4.1.2 =
Released: 2020-08-11
* Feature: (Single Site) Filter order by site
* Feature: (Single Site) Cancel order from the network admin panel
* Feature: (Single Site) Products will always remain in sync regardless of update method (only changes from master to the child sites)
* Feature: (Multisite) Export site title
* Feature: (Single Site) Order Export order items are no longer a JSON string
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Remove a deactivated site
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Sometimes network orders are empty when viewing all orders
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Duplicate SKU warning when products are updated on the child
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Stock sync failing for variable product when set on each individual product
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Product unlinks/sync disabled when order is cancelled
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Several minor stock sync bugfixes
* Change: (Multisite) Menu renamed from WooCommerce to Multistore
* Change: (Multisite) Renamed settings Display all user info at all stores to Show customers orders from all stores in My Account for clarity
* Change: (Single Site) If child product type is different from the master product type, the child product type will be changed
* Developer: (Single Site) URL validation on the site add screen
* Developer: (Single Site) Run custom meta keys through sanitize_key() to remove unwanted characters
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter added to add custom bulk action
* Developer: (Single Site) Action hook added to handle custom bulk action
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter added to enable/disable AJAX sync
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter added to enable/disable quick sync
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter added to enable/disable real-time sync (syncs product when users are not on edit screen)
* Developer: (Single Site) Filter to force enable logging of the plugin activity
* Developer: (Multisite) Action hook added to handle custom bulk action
* Integration: (Multisite) Support added for the plugin Product GTIN (EAN, UPC, ISBN) for WooCommerce

= Release 4.1.1 =
Released: 2020-06-22
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixes the sync bug that was happening after updating to 4.1.0

= Release 4.1.0 =
Released: 2020-06-20
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Hide the order export option from the child site
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Fixed custom attribute sync
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Network order search bug fixed
* Bugfix: (Single Site) WordPress 5.4.2 broke screen options settings
* Change: (Single Site) Rename settings menu on the child site to Settings (Main site)
* Feature: (Single Site) Disable a site to hide it from the sync options
* Feature: (Single Site) Enable/disable synchronization of shipping classes
* Feature: (Single Site) Added filter by order status and search function in the network orders page
* Feature: (Single Site) Added custom metadata sync option
* Feature: (Single Site) Added custom taxonomy sync option

= Release 4.0.0 =
Released: 2020-06-09
* Bugfix: Hide the list of sites on the bulk editor and the quick edit from users who don’t have permission
* Bugfix: When a product is duplicated, do not link it to the old child or master product
* Bugfix: When WooCommerce “Hide out of stock items from the catalog” is checked, products become out of stock upon update
* Bugfix: Minor bugfix on the settings page
* Bugfix: During stock sync, when stock becomes 0, the product is not being set as out of stock
* Feature: Deactivate license key from the plugin’s settings page
* Bugfix: Order tracking was not picking the order ID when sequential order ID is enabled (multisite)
* Bugfix: Sub-directory being removed from master URL
* Feature: (Multisite) Update stock when creating orders from backend
* Feature: (Multisite) Speed improvement on the order page when stock sync is enabled
* Feature: Automatic update of the plugin for child sites on a regular WordPress version
* Feature: Redesigned stock sync for multisite
* Feature: Speed improvement on products, network products page for multisite
* Bugfix: White screen on admin due to version check failing
* Feature: Version check to run once every 12 hours
* Feature: (Single Site Version) Remove license from the master site
* Support added for Price by User Role for WooCommerce Plugin (from Tyche Software)
* Bugfix: (Single Site Version) Resolved incompatibility with WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
* Bugfix: (Single Site Version) No info text when clicking info icon on child site
* Feature: (Multisite) If attachment doesn’t exist on the child site, recreate it
* Feature: (Multisite) Sync stock across the network when an order is created manually from the backend
* Feature: (Multisite) Update a product across the network, when the product is updated via a 3rd-party bulk editor
* Bugfix: When WooCommerce is deactivated the plugin causes an error
* Feature: Added an API to sync products for the Multisite version
* Bugfix: Sequential order number being reset when settings being updated
* Feature: (Single Site Version) Enable or disable synchronization of product status in settings
* Bugfix: Grouped products from the child are not removed when they are removed from the master
* Feature: (Single Site) Filter by site on the master and the child sites
* Feature: (Single Site) Network orders are now sorted by the date
* Change: (Single Site) When syncing a product for the first time and status is set to No, set the status to draft
* Change: (Single Site) When syncing a product for the first time and product title and slug is set to No, sync those as they required to create a product, but do not sync other options
* Feature: Hook to mark a product for sync across stores
* Deprecated: (Single Site) Sync all metadata setting is now ignored. You can use our metadata hook to sync additional metadata.
* Feature: (Single Site) Filter added for both the parent site and the child site to add additional metadata to sync. See our API section on the website for the hooks.
* Feature: (Single Site) Hooks added on the network order page and also when fetching orders
* Bugfix: (Single Site) When a product is deleted from the database but the associated order status is updated, a critical error happens
* Feature: (Single Site) Manage all site settings/options from the master site
* Dev: (Single Site) Improved version checking
* Dev: (Single Site) Improved options management
* Dev: (Single Site) Hooks for options page
* Feature: (Single Site) Sync product order/sort order
* Feature: (Single Site) Enable or disable the synchronization of SKU in settings
* Feature: (Single Site) Enable or disable the synchronization of featured product status
* Feature: (Single Site) Order export feature added
* Bugfix: (Single Site) Sync stock correctly for variations when stock is being managed by the parent product
* Change: The plugin is now called WooMultistore

= Release 3.0.5 =
Released: 2020-02-28
* Bugfix: Stock does not sync correctly for variable products managing stock at variation level
* Bugfix: Some WooCommerce add-on hiding plugin’s menu
* Bugfix: Plugin settings resetting after upgrade
* Bugfix: Removing a site and then adding it again does not disconnect the products that have alredy been synced
* Bugfix: Fix a rare json_encoding issue while connecting sites
* Feature: When a product is trashed from the main site, trash it from all child sites (if enabled in settings)
* Feature: When an order is created from the backend, update stock across the network
* Bugfix: When products are exported from a child store and then imported back into the master store to sync with the child stores, the products are not correctly linked due to having duplicate metadata

= Release 3.0.4 =
Released: 2020-01-24
* Bugfix: tags from master not being synced, when tags with similar names exist in the child
* Bugfix: categories from master not being synced, when categories with similar names exist in the child
* Bugfix: variations do not sync when variations use different slugs on the child sites
* Bugfix: stock sync failing when initiated by the child
* Bugfix: option to select whether to sync metadata created by 3rd party plugins
* Bugfix: when updating products using quick edit, products are not being marked for syncing correctly
* Bugfix: correctly sync shipping class for product and variations
* Bugfix: conflict with WooCommerce Admin
* Feature: API added to check versions on child sites
* Bugfix: some minor bug fixes

= Release 3.0.3 =
Released: 2020-01-20
* Single Site: Updated network order interface. Now all child orders can be managed from the master site.
* Bugfix: Price being synced despite being disabled.
* Bugfix: Some minor bug fixes

= Release 3.0.2 =
Released: 2020-01-12
* Settings added to enable or disable the synchoronization of product thumbnail
* Settings added to enable or disable the synchoronization of product images
* Bugfix: Not reading authentication headers correctly on servers behind a reverse proxy
* Bugfix: Product synchronization failing on Nginx servers
* Bugfix: Hide a minor PHP e-notice error on child sites
* Bugfix: Subdirectory being removed from URL when WordPress is installed in a subdirectory
* Bugfix: Some minor bug fixes

= Release 3.0.1 =
Released: 2020-01-03
* Single Site: Correctly sync product type for all products
* Single Site: Sync upsell and cross-sell products
* Single Site: Sync grouped products
* Single Site: Hide master site orders from the network orders tab as these orders can already be viewed from the orders tab
* Single Site: Minor bug fixes

= Release 3.0.0 =
Released: 2019-12-31
* A non-multisite version of the plugin for regular WordPress installations

= Release 2.1.1 =
Released: 2019-09-03
* Added support for grouped product synchronization
* Added support for the synchronization of upsell and cross-sell products (Needs to be enabled in network admin settings panel)
* Show SKU in WooCommerce network product list
* Sync Coupons across the network (Needs to be enabled in network admin settings panel)
* Support for large number of stores. Now the plugin can be used to sync products across hundreds of sites without server timeout issue.
* Shop name in bold in the bulk editor
* Append version number to asset URL to for cache busting purpose
* Bugfix: When sync in progress, opening another page on the site would corrupt sync
* Bugfix: Server timeout issue after products have synced
* Many small improvements

= Release 2.1.0 =
Released: 2019-08-01
* Improved Product synchronization process based on AJAX
* Added a new hook that is fired after slave product has been updated
* Bug fix: when deleting all parent tags at once, child tags are not being deleted
* Bug fix for showing deleted products as linked products in the network admin area
* Replace all HTTP links with HTTPS links pointing to our documentation
* Bug fix for sync settings becoming unchecked when cancelling a product
* Search by WooCommerce order ID
* Catch error when master product has been deleted and the detached child product is being synced
* Filter added to show parent product only on bulk editor
* Plugin communicates over HTTPS with licensing server

= Release 2.0.18 =
Released: 2019-05-31
* Added message when activating the license.
* Added product import error message.
* Added Warning when WooCommerce is not active.
* After the activation error message, redirect the user to the plugins list page.
* Added options to enable/disable product attributes sync.
* Added option to Enable/Disable Syncing of Advanced Purchase Notes.
* Added options to enable/disable URL (slug) sync.
* Added search by SKU on the Network Admin Product page.
* Added option to chose several specific stores to export in the order export page.
* Updated Error Message on Activation.
* Fix. Product tags Stop Syncing if it’s been deleted from the child store.
* Fix. Product Image Stop Syncing if it’s been deleted from the child store.
* Fix. Product categories Stop Syncing if it’s been deleted from the child store.
* Fix. Repair cache on plugin update.
* Fix. Variable Product Not Syncing When Using Product Editor.
* Fix. Error While Trashing Products.
* Fix. Settings showing no stores, network product showing products or list of sites.
* Fix. Special characters bug when exporting orders from the order export page.

= Release 2.0.16 =
Released: 2019-05-08
* Fix. Removed duplicate drop-down menu in bulk edit.

= Release 2.0.15 =
Released: 2019-05-07
* Syncing attributes.
* Fix. Deactivating sync upon saving a product using Woocommerce’s functions.
* Fix. Redirecting to SSL by default without checking protocol.
* Fix. Running data updater before activating license causes access denied.
* Fix. Products loose sync when a new comment is created.
* Fix. Products loose sync when updating a product via the woocmmerce rest api.
* Fix. “Publish to” option gets unticked when a product is sold on the main website.

= Release 2.0.14 =
Released: 2019-04-14
* Disable deactivated sites from republish/syncing.

= Release 2.0.13 =
Released: 2019-04-08
* Remove store ID when a store is deleted.

= Release 2.0.12 =
Released: 2019-04-01
* New option. Search global order list.
* New global option – Republish tags – Yes or No.
* If web host collation issue, See the count of products on network admin dashboard, but not the products. Fix.
* Support for PHP 7.3, Clean up the code.

= Release 2.0.11 =
Released: 2019-03-22
* New option. Select what columns to display in the global order list.
* New global option – Republish reviews – Yes or No.
* Display products on the network admin dashboard on servers with collation issues.

= Release 2.0.10 =
Released: 2019-03-04
* Fix. A product loses sync when an order is made under certain conditions on the parent product site.

= Release 2.0.9 =
Released: 2019-03-02
* Fix. Attribute not republished if deleted.

= Release 2.0.8 =
Released: 2019-02-28
* Added images to the plugins page.
* Fix. Customer account, viewing orders from all stores.

= Release 2.0.7 =
Released: 2019-02-05
* Order export to CSV/XLM improvement.
* New option. Option to not republish the product “short description”.
* Store tabs on the global plugin options page.
* Fix. Stock sync from child store when setting is NO.
* Fix. Error when editing a product that is “previewed”.

= Release 2.0.6 =
Released: 2019-01-14
* Added plugin option. Child product inherits category image and description changes.
* Improved bulk distribution from the products quick edit, moved all bulk distribution to the quick edit page.
* Fix. Issues when republishing product in Pending status.
* Fix. Network products page. Products are removed only from the first blog.
* Fix. The quick edit only displays the categories for the parent product.
* Fix. Double entry of blog names in the network products page.
* Fix. No distribution when displaying a child store in network products page.

= Release 2.0.5 =
Released: 2018-12-13
* Fix. Cant bulk distribute products from page 2 on the network products page.
* Added link to the network products page in the WordPress menu.
* Fix. A child product with variations don’t display when sort by price.

= Release 2.0.4 =
Released: 2018-11-28
* Fix. Unsync products on order status changes.

= Release 2.0.3 =
Released: 2018-11-15
* Fix. Possible to republish child products in quick edit bulk distribution.
* Fix. Event should be triggered only on product delete.
* Fix. Products are not displayed on the main network products page.
* Clear cache before product republishing.
* Product loses its metadata sync with the parent product
* Possible to make a child product a parent product when the parent product is deleted.

= Release 2.0.2 =
Released: 2018-11-02
* Fix. Stock not updated at other child sites

= Release 2.0.1 =
Released: 2018-10-31
* Fix. The plugin updater stops.
* Fix. Products for all stores are not displayed on the main products page.
* Fix. Bulk products distribution on Network Products page.

= Release 2.0 =
Released: 2018-10-29
* Major overall update, server usage optimization.
* Fix. Heavy load fix.

= Release 1.9.7 =
Released: 2018-06-30
* New option, option to not inherit variations
* Server resource usage improvement.
* Fix. Hebrew language in the order export file.
* Make it optional to display info from all stores in a user account.

= Release 1.9.6 =
Released: 2018-05-25
* Added plugin option to not sync product description across stores.
* Fix. Network Product page fields are not displayed when bulk edit.

= Release 1.9.5 =
Released: 2018-05-21
* Fix. Checkboxes should stay enabled in the Multistore tab

= Release 1.9.4 =
Released: 2018-05-18
* Display user info/orders from all stores in the user account regardless what store the user is logged in to.

= Release 1.9.3 =
Released: 2018-05-10
* Fix. Set get_site limit to 999.

= Release 1.9.2 =
Released: 2018-05-09
* Fix. Network order action buttons don’t work.

= Release 1.9.1 =
Released: 2018-04-13
* Remove the republishing of the number of reviews.
* Fix. Update “orders per page” number on the network orders page.
* Fix. Remove child product “Uncategorized” category on parent product is created or updated.

= Release 1.9.0 =
Released: 2018-03-12
* Add handling imports
* Style the network order view as the individual WooCommerce order screen
* Introduce Woo filters for product updates to catch changes which may be caused by other plugins or themes that modify products or stock levels.
* Refactor `WC_Multistore_Functions::woocommerce_reduce_order_stock`, adding a helper function for re-usability of stock management.
* Fix – Show titles in the network admin product listing

= Release 1.8.8 =
Released: 2017-11-15
* JavaScript error fix: WooCommerce quick edit undefined

= Release 1.8.7 =
Released: 2017-06-19
* Fields control for categories

= Release 1.8.6 =
Released: 2017-06-16
* Use stripslashes for terms when compare with existing to avoid wrong comparison when include quotes

= Release 1.8.5 =
Released: 2017-06-15
* Add _price to meta fields ignore if “Child product inherit price changes” is set to No
* $ignore_meta_fields adjustments, ignoring for new products

= Release 1.8.4 =
Released: 2017-06-09
* Implement anonymous object filter replacement
* Fix – Child product inherit Parent products changes – Fields control – Price fix

= Release 1.8.3 =
Released: 2017-06-01
* Use trailingslashit for term names when compare and create to avoid chars strip out

= Release 1.8.2 =
Released: 2017-05-29
* Set the latest version to plugin option to ensure the latest tag is being used along the code
* Fix: Setup Wizard notices
* Fix: Setup Wizard processing complete JavaScript engine

= Release 1.8.1 =
Released: 2017-05-24
* Fix: Child product inherit Parent products changes – Price ignore

= Release 1.8.0 =
Released: 2017-05-24
* Fix: Sequential order number listing

= Release 1.7.9 =
Released: 2017-05-19
* “Toggle all Sites” trigger for quick edit, bulk edit, bulk distribution

= Release 1.7.8 =
Released: 2017-05-18
* Remove check for plugin being active on a site since it’s network active now.
* Use include_once instead include to avoid fatal error for classes already defined
* Check for $WOO_MSTORE class if already initialized

= Release 1.7.7 =
Released: 2017-05-06
* Replaced the WC()->plugin_url() with dynamic URL to ensure no fatal is being triggered when class not available.
* Fix: Using $this when not in object context when calling is_plugin_active()

= Release 1.7.6 =
Released: 2017-05-05
* Fix WOO_MSTORE_VERSION not being used the latest tag version

= Release 1.7.5 =
Released: 2017-05-02
* Required to be activated through network admin interface
* Ignore any site where WooCommerce is not active

= Release 1.7.3 =
Released: 2017-05-01
* Fix checkbox for trash

= Release 1.7.2 =
Released: 2017-04-13
* Improve bulk distribution functionality

= Release 1.7 =
Released: 2017-04-07
* WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility
* Ensure attributes terms are not checked for parent_id since they are not hierarchical. This maintains compatibility with older data structure without break.
* Updated export engine for WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility
* Updated PHPExcel to 1.8.1

= Release 1.6.4 =
Released: 2017-03-17
* Fix: Network Products quick and bulk edit

= Release 1.6.3 =
Released: 2017-03-16
* Collation unify for tables when using Union
* Fix – Illegal mix of collations for operation ‘UNION’ for query

= Release 1.6.2 =
Released: 2017-03-08
* Network Products – sort by Date

= Release 1.6.1 =
Released: 2017-03-02
* Fix: Fixed Update Box notice keep showing after update complete.

= Release 1.6.0 =
Released: 2017-02-28
* Child product inherit title changes / Child product inherit price changes setting for each blog
* Allow meta fields ignore

= Release 1.5.9 =
Released: 2017-02-23
* Case insensitive comparison when check for existing term name
* Stock synchronize functionality when using in-line/AJAX Variation save
* Child product inherit Parent products changes functionality when using in-line(AJAX) Variation update

= Release 1.5.7 =
Released: 2017-02-19
* Compare against _woonet_child_inherit_updates too for stock synchronization

= Release 1.5.5 =
Released: 2017-02-11
* Fix: Term re-name update on child product too

= Release 1.5.4 =
Released: 2017-02-08
* Fix : Undefined variable: _woonet_child_stock_synchronize
* Fix: save_post_product unused filter remove

= Release 1.5.3 =
Released: 2017-02-06
* Fix: Quick editing a product attribute:trigger a JavaScript error.

= Release 1.5.2 =
Released: 2017-02-06
* Fix – before_delete_post restore default blog_id before method exit
* Fix – delete child product variations

= Release 1.5.1 =
Released: 2017-02-04
* Fix variations synchronize
* Updater engine to run certain routines at specific code versions for updating data.

= Release 1.5.0 =
Released: 2017-01-18
* Fix: Term name comparison using (string) and trim to avoid issues when term names include empty spaces

= Release 1.4.9 =
Released: 2017-01-09
* fix – $columnshidden option set as default array if empty

= Release 1.4.8 =
Released: 2016-11-15
* UTF8 Encoding fix for Orders export

= Release 1.4.7 =
Released: 2016-11-14
* Taxonomies terms mapping array, switch to old format accessing instead direct (current)
* Orders Export functionality, in CSV and XLS
– Orders Export – Date Range
– Orders Export – Site Filtering
– Orders Export – Order Status

= Release 1.4.5 =
Released: 2016-11-03
* Stock network update when changing on child product and “Always maintain stock synchronization” setting set to Yes.

= Release 1.4.4 =
Released: 2016-10-25
* Fix – Category structure migration to child product

= Release 1.4.3 =
Released: 2016-10-04
* Fix: Large taxonomy terms hierarchy replicate for child products.

= Release 1.4.2 =
Released: 2016-08-25
* Create Image Mapping when publish to other blogs to prevent re-processing on product update.
* New setting – Minimum user role to allow MultiStore Publish.

= Release =
Released: 2016-08-18
* WordPress 4.6 compatibility updates Fix Notice: wp_get_sites is deprecated since version 4.6.0! Use get_sites() instead

= Release 1.3.9 =
Released: 2016-08-11
* Always maintain stock synchronization for re-published products.
* Update – Stock synchronization only trigger when WooCommerce Manage Stock option is available for the site where main product is published.
* Stock synchronize for every child product Reference stock is parsed from main product.
* _woonet_title fix, heading are not being saved as custom fields.
* Hide MultiSite Publish To options when using Bulk edit and at least one product is child of a tree.
* PO language file update Text change for warning message.

= Release 1.3.8 =
Released: 2016-08-08
* Adding categories in network product listing.
* Add warning when unassign a product from the tree Unassigned product is reinstate if the site is being checked again on main product Unassigned product can be set a master product.

= Release 1.3.6 =
Released: 2016-07-26
* Fix for Database tables prefix replaced with base_prefix.

= Release 1.3.5 =
Released: 2016-07-18
* FIx: Sequential Order Number increase fix across network.

= Release 1.3.5 =
Released: 2016-07-01
* Update Short Description and Comment Status for all child products which inherit the master product changes.

= Release 1.3.3 =
Released: 2016-06-07
* Plugin option for Mainitain stock synchronization for re-published products, when checkout.
* Fox meta data to be saved and include empty (zero) value.

= Release 1.3.1 =
Released: 2016-05-30
* Sequential order numbers.
* Code and DB Updater Engine.
* Add settings infrastructure; sequential Order Numbers.

= Release 1.2.6 =
Released: 2016-04-07
* Add bulk editor and inline editor within superadmin WooCommerce Products interface.

= Release 1.2.5 =
Released: 2016-04-01
* Add Multisite Options within Quick Edit.

= Release 1.2.4 =
Released: 2016-02-19
* Updated translation po file.
* Network Orders admin icons link fix (mark completed, mark processing).
* On Admin Main Product – Toggle all Sites.
* Fix: Products duplicated item within dashboard menu.

= Release 1.1.9 =
Released: 2016-02-13
* Globall setting within main product to allow all child to inherit updates or not _woonet_child_products_inherit_updates Post status change also modify the childs if update inherit Post trash / untrash if update inherit.

= Release 1.1.8 =
Released: 2016-02-11
* wp_get_sites limit increase to 999 sites.

= Release 1.1.7 =
Released: 2016-01-25
* Fix: The title and description of products in children stores are not updated even if the checkbox is checked in the children store.

= Release 1.1.6 =
Released: 2016-01-20
* Update wizard to add required meta for products, to match the required format.