13 of the Best Free WooCommerce Extensions on the Web

WooCommerce is quickly becoming the leading ecommerce solution. It is built on the foundation of WordPress, and just like WordPress which has hundreds of plugins, there are extensions available to allow you to get the most out of it. Here are 13 of the best free WooCommerce extensions on the web that you should consider for your web shop.

WooCommerce Customizer

WooCommerce is quite customizable, but in order to change the text you find on buttons or labels, you sometimes have to be able to edit code. WooCommerce Customizer is by far one of the best free WooCommerce extensions out there. It adds a settings page that allows you to make your changes, test them and even revert back to the original layout.

WooCommerce Stock Manager

WooCommerce Stock Manager makes it possible to see, set, and change information related to your inventory quickly and easily. Things like stock status, prices, sale prices, tax status, SKU, and even product names are all available from the same plugin, and you can even show the product thumbnails for easier reference.

WooCommerce Multilingual

Multilingual ecommerce sites are vitally important for those who do business internationally, either they have multistore or not, but the ability to add different languages to WooCommerce can be tricky. Luckily, with this extension you can translate taxonomies, product names and descriptions, menus and more – so users can set a languages of their choice.

WooCommerce Products Filter

Consumers are more likely to stay on your site and buy from you if they can filter their search results. WooCommerce Products Filter is one of the best free WooCommerce extensions on the web because it allows you to create and customize your own filter categories that your potential customers can use.

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

One of the most popular features associated with some of the biggest online retailers in the world is the wishlist. This allows your customers to save their favorite items to a list and encourages them to come back and buy later. Users can even share their wishlists to social media or via email to help drive even more traffic – and ultimately sales.

WooCommerce Simply Order Export

If you have ever wished you could generate a quick and simple order report, then this is by far one of the best free WooCommerce extensions for you. It allows you to export data from previous orders in .csv format, which is brilliant for running your own reports. You can choose which fields you want to export, and you can even reorder them if you like.

Paid Memberships Pro

Part of driving your business involves rewarding past purchasers for their loyalty to your brand. Paid Memberships Pro creates a members-only area that you can add to your site, allowing discounts, rewards, and more. You can also choose multiple membership levels offering downloads, information, and videos for example.

WooCommerce Menu Cart

By default, WooCommerce does not give you the ability to show your customers a small version of their shopping cart in the menu. With WooCommerce Menu Cart, one of the best free WooCommerce extensions out there, you can show your customer’s cart in the menu. When the customer can view his or her cart on every page, conversion rates increase.

WooCommerce Products Slider

Catching shoppers’ attention with a traditional ecommerce setup can be difficult, but the easy-to-use WooCommerce Products Slider plugin makes it easy. With this extension, you can show products on sale or special promotions with an animated slide bar or carousel.

Product Import Export for WooCommerce

This is by far one of the best free WooCommerce extensions if you want to save yourself some time and effort. With it, you can import products already on a .csv file to WooCommerce. It will also allow you to export relatively simple products in the same format. It reduces data entry time significantly, allowing you to put more of your focus where it should be.

WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor

Have you ever wished you could change the way fields display on your site’s checkout page? That is exactly what the WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor was designed to do. You can add, edit, delete, and change the order of fields displayed on the checkout page to suit your store’s needs and improve the user’s experience.

WooCommerce Currency Switcher

One of the best free WooCommerce extensions out there for those who do business internationally is the WooCommerce Currency Switcher. With this simple tool, you can allow your visitors to see real-time pricing in their own currencies. This can dramatically increase conversion rates because your customers no longer have to leave the page to convert currency on their own.

Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce

Sometimes, shoppers will put items in their shopping carts, then abandon the cart and the site altogether – never to return. This is one of the best free WooCommerce extensions for recovering sales. It sends scheduled emails that encourage your visitors to come back and complete their purchases, and once those customers make the purchases or follow the link, the notification emails stop.

As you can see, some of the best free WooCommerce extensions on the web today are those that perform the simplest tasks. By giving consumers everything they need in as few clicks as possible, and by ensuring your site is up-to-date, you can boost your conversions and increase your revenue substantially.